I made it 30 years, but for my 30th birthday my family decided to get me a Nintendo Wii. (of course I didn’t ask for it!!). In addition to getting a Wii, I also got a video game pass from Blockbuster that allows me to rent as many games in a month that I can. I figure I can determine what games I really like before buying them. So far I have loved it. I love the fact that I can download old school video games like Super Mario Brothers 3, Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, and Excite Bike; great games from way back in the day. I have also really enjoyed the interactive (athletic…some would say) aspect of the Wii. I love playing tennis and Tiger Woods golf, and it amazes me how the machine is able to receive my movements and translate them into video game movements. I will confess after taking batting practice the other night, I woke up sore; I couldn’t believe it. I have also broken a sweat boxing with Qualter. The machine is quite entertaining. All the thanks to my loving family that got this for me…Now all of you need to come visit so you can play with me.