The Holiday Season is here and our cozy basement apartment smells like evergreen pine. What great memories surround this time of year. Elizabeth and I began the Holidays with a trip over to Eastern Market to get our Christmas tree. It was fun watching Lizzy's face light up as we found the perfect little tree (for the perfect little price). They even delivered the tree to our home which made the deal even more attractive. We quickly put the lights and decorations on the tree as we listened to my favorite Christmas album: Kenny G Christmas. Mike Q and Scott P were there to help us out and ended up doing more dancing to the music than tree decorating, but it was fun having them there. The unfortunate thing is our beautiful tree didn't take water and dried out. So after a few weeks of no water, we decided to take action. So on Saturday Lizzy and I returned to Eastern Market and were given a brand new beautiful tree! It wasn't quite as small as our first, and even sticks out into our hallway, but it's scent is incredible, and it drinks water!

Mike Q. and I decorating our 2nd Christmas Tree!
Life in the District is great! Work continues to provide me great joy despite the long hours. The health care issues our nation is facing are fascinating and I feel incredibly lucky to be in the position I am. I have been spending a lot of time over the last few months playing guitar with Mike Q. We have been learning some great songs, including Christmas music, with the goal of playing at our local coffee shop, Ebenezer's, that has an open mic night.
Lizzy studies constantly. Her schooling has been demanding, but she is doing well and has even found time to knit, her newly found hobby. She has already completed several items including leg warmers, glove (it is only glove because the second isn't complete), and a scarf. She is quite the little knitter.
We are so excited for our return to Salt Lake for Christmas!