When we were home for the Holidays, I got out with my buddies and did what I love! I spent 3 days on the river. I went up with Adam B the first day, Todd G and Bobby H the second, and Dave Gray and Andrew N the final day. I caught my best fish the first day on a streamer. It was so great to get back on the river. The final day was somewhat rough for me. We got up to the river and I realized I had forgotten my waders. I had hung them in the garage to dry and forgot to put them back in my bag. So we went to the fly shop in Heber and I rented some. We finally got out on the river and I was trying to cross the river to get to a spot I wanted to fish and I slipped and drenched myself! It was freezing, but I was lucky I had some quick dry stuff on. My phone got soaked and is now bugging out. It was still fun to get out and be with Dave. Here are some pictures from my days on the river.

A beautiful brown trout on the Middle Provo

Adam B and I ready to go hog hunting

Adam wolfing down some Dairy Keen, a fishing tradition...mmm train burger..

Todd and I getting ready to get some lunkers

Enjoying a beautiful day on the river. It started snowing really hard and as the snow came down the trout started sipping flies off the surface. There were trout everywhere, it was a beautiful sight!

Bobby H and I bundled up for a great day on the river

Bobby, Todd and I after a great day on the river

Once again, Dairy Keen. This time we decided not to take it in the car. You have to love the train burger at Dairy Keen.

Dave G and I with the waders I rented! This is right before I slipped and fell into the river.
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